LGBTQ+ people face stigma and higher levels of mental health stress than the average population. Where can they go for safe mental health support in a country still governed by conservative and religious views?
Important: If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger – don’t use this site. The resources here, here, and here can provide you with immediate help. If you are in need of free or affordable mental health support, please see a list of options here and here.
People in the LGBTQ+ community suffer from mental health issues at a disproportionately higher rate than the normal population. Many cases of bullying, discrimination, social isolation, or rejection are experienced as a result of their sexuality.[i]
Someone’s age, religion, ethnicity, socio-economic background, and where they reside can also contribute to added mental health stress, especially in a country that is more than 80 percent Catholic, and where only 15% of Filipinos reside in areas protected by ordinances against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.[ii]
Common Issues Faced by the LGBTQ+ Community
Know that you’re not alone in your struggles. LGBTQ+ people face some unique challenges which may include:
· questioning or difficulty accepting your sexual orientation
· coping with other people’s reactions to your sexuality
· difficult experiences with coming out
· feeling your body does not reflect your true gender
· transitioning
· coping with bullying and discrimination
· anger, isolation or rejection from family, friends or your community
· fear of violence
Therapy can help
While it may not be easy, reaching out for help with the issues you’re facing is one of the most important things you can do. Talking to a mental health professional can:
· give you a safe space to talk to someone who won’t judge you
· help you make sense of things and understand yourself better
· help you resolve complicated feelings, or find ways to live with them
· help you recognise unhelpful patterns in the way you think or act, and find ways to change them (if you want to).
When to ask for help
Consider seeing a mental health professional if you’re experiencing any of the following:
· Overwhelming sadness, grief, or depression
· Little interest or pleasure in doing things
· Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless
· Trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping too much
· Feeling tired or having little energy
· Poor appetite or overeating
· Feeling bad about yourself – or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down
· Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way
· Difficulty in doing work, taking care of things at home, getting along with other people
· Anxiety, panic attacks, or phobias
· Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading, working, or watching shows
· Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed, or, being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual
· Chronic pain
· Problems or worries about intimacy
· Engaging in self-harm
· Irritability
· Feeling empty
· Struggles with substance abuse
· Experiences with domestic violence/ partner abuse
Consider seeking help before things become unmanageable. It may also be a good idea to check in on your mental health at regular intervals the same way you do with regular doctors’ visits.
LGBTQ-friendly/Queer-affirmative therapy
Because we live in a heteronormative society where heterosexual relationships are the norm (men are expected to marry women, women are expected to marry men, and have kids), some clinicians and therapists may bring certain biases to therapy. Practitioners who have not been exposed to LGBTQ+ issues may view the heteronormative way of living as right and anything else wrong, especially in Filipino society where most people grew up with conservative and religious beliefs[iii].
Many LGBTQ+ people already arrive in therapy with shame because of the way society or their families have reacted to their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Even the most well-meaning therapists and clinicians may inadvertently place judgment on folk whose lifestyles they may not understand or empathize with. Sometimes, this may add to a person’s trauma and shame, especially if LGBTQ+ people are asked to hide their differences, if their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors are labeled as abnormal/wrong, or if their choices are viewed as something to be cured or prayed away.
Seeking practitioners who are LGBTQ-friendly or who have training in queer-affirmative therapy (“an approach to therapy that embraces a positive view of LGBTQ+ identities and relationships, and addresses the negative influences that homophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism have on the lives of LGBTQ clients”[iv]), may be important, depending on how much your LGBTQ+ identity is contributing to your mental health concerns. This is to ensure that the person you are seeking help from will not add to your shame or trauma, and can be a psychological safe space to discuss any and all concerns.
Mental Health Resources
Are there LGBTQ-friendly or queer-affirmative practitioners in the Philippines? As of this writing, there is no official list yet published by the leading LGBTQ+ mental health organization in the country, the PAP LGBT Psychology Special Interest Group. For now, we’ve compiled a list of resources and recommendations from various LGBTQ+ social media pages, online sources, friends, and allies. The following list is not exhaustive, but may be a good first step or give you an idea of where to start looking.
Note that we do not have any partnership with, nor do we endorse, any of the institutions or persons listed in this article. Please exercise judgment in determining if a mental health professional is a good fit for you.
Institutions/Group Practices
1. Bettter Steps Psychology
Better Steps Psychology, Inc. is an integrated, full-service mental health group practice that promotes wellness for all. The Better Steps team is composed of licensed mental health professionals trained in the most up-to-date and evidence-based methodologies.
Several of their clinicians are members of the LGBTQ+ community, and their social media pages express support for the LGBTQ+ community.
Cost: Psychologist consult P2,800 initial, P2,640 succeeding sessions;
Psychiatrist consult P3,000 per session
- https://www.facebook.com/BetterStepsPsychology
- http://bettersteps.org/about/
- 0917 894 3988
- 2F Esperanza Centre 117 Shaw Boulevard, Oranbo, Pasig City
2. GrayMatters
GrayMatters Psychological and Consultancy, Inc. is a private and independent organization that offers various professional psychological services to individuals, groups, and associations.
They have LGBTQ-friendly therapists.
Email: graymattersphilippines@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/graymattersphilippines
Alabang branch: +63917 709 6961
Makati branch: +63920 974 9828
Online teleconsultations: +63917 130 4952; +63917 128 8395
3. UP Diliman Gender Office (UPDGO)
Offers the following services specifically for gender-related concerns:
Psychosocial counseling for survivors of all forms of gender-based violence including gender discrimination and sexual harrassment; LGBTQ+ affirmative counseling (support individuals to explore and come to a secure and self-approving gender identity, expression, and experience); transgender counseling (assist transgender individuals in working through the psychological and social challenges associated with transitioning and provides information and referral on safe medical intervention)
Priority are UP constitutents
Email: dgo_counseling.upd@up.edu.ph
Mobile numbers: 09673009206 (globe); 09602302343 (smart)
2F Benton Hall, M. Roxas Street, UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
4. UP Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS)
The University of the Philippines Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (UPCWGS) offers feminist and gender-sensitive peer counseling/psycho-social assistance for women and LGBT persons. We seek to provide a psychological safe space that fully recognizes the harm done to those who have experienced sexual assault and other forms of gender-based violence.
Contact upcws.counseling@gmail.com or +63917.7953274 to schedule an appointment
https://cws.up.edu.ph/?page_id=1030 https://cws.up.edu.ph/wp-content/uploads/UPCWGS-Gender-Sensitive-Peer-Counseling-Protocol.pdf
Queer-affirmative psychotherapy
BA psychology, currently taking MA in clinical psychology, UP Diliman
Supervised by queer-affirmative psychologist Dr. Divine Love Salvador
Trained under Mariwala Queer Affirmative Counseling Program
Cost: P1,500 for 60-75 minutes
· 2. Mary Anne “Riyan” Portuguez, RPm, RPsy (via the mWell app)
Co-chairperson, Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) LGBT Psychology Special Interest Group
MA Psychology (Industrial Psychology)
Member of the LGBTQ+ community
Content Creator
Cost: P3,400 per session
https://www.mwell.com.ph/ (download the app)
· 3. Dr. Jenny Casano – Psych Counseling and Health Support Services (Laguna)
A psychological clinic that caters to psychological assessment, psychotherapy, addiction counseling & treatment, and other mental health consultation and services.
FB page description: Safe, confidential, and LGBTQ+ affirming environment. Our experts provide comprehensive assessment and personalized support for mental health challenges.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078768290868 https://drjennycasano.wixsite.com/website?fbclid=IwAR33QFaFMbirHDFV6LZT45CKTtjF1vxae4LSex1wx0Mqqw8VOAHR5UhofQQ
Mental Health Apps
Mental health practitioners can now be accessed through different mental health apps. Many apps have the option to filter for practitioners who specialize in LGBTQ+ issues or are themselves from the LGBTQ+ community.
1. Mind You
Mind You aims to provide accessible and affordable psychological support for large working communities and individuals from anywhere at any time in the Philippines. That’s why we created an app with online mental health services, features, tools, and resources that match your needs, preferences, and budget.
2. BetterHelp
An American company, BetterHelp is the world’s largest online therapy service. Most therapists on this app are based in the U.S., but you can sign up from anywhere in the world. There are many therapists available who have training in queer-affirmative therapy or are LGBTQ+ themselves. BetterHelp will match you to one of 32,000 licensed therapists based upon your location, preferences, and therapist availability.
Cost: $60-90 per week, paid in advance for 4 weeks at a time, via credit card or paypal
Chat Support
Lunas Collective
A Philippine-based volunteer-powered helpline supporting survivors of gender-based violence/discrimination and those with reproductive health concerns.
The chat helpline is open from Mondays to Saturdays, 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM via Facebook Messenger.
Advocacy Organizations/Social Media Pages
1. Your Millenial Psychologist
2. Psychological Association of the Philippines (PAP) LGBT Psychology Special Interest Group
The first organized collective of mental health professionals dedicated to LGBT rights
and well-being in the Philippines.
Accounting for other Factors
While gender and sexual orientation are significant parts of our identity and important factors to consider in selecting a mental health practitioner, you may also want to consider other parts of your identity in choosing a therapist. You may for instance, want to see a therapist of the same religion or someone who specializes in your specific mental health concerns, like treating an eating disorder or dealing with a personality disorder or PTSD. In such cases, prioritizing a therapist’s training/specialization, or expertise in a specific modality, might be more important to you, and that’s okay. What’s important is to take some time to reflect on what matters to you, the type of concerns you want to address, and the personality of the therapist you may want to work with, before you start researching therapists.
Finding a Good Fit
A lot of the progress made in therapy ultimately depends on the relationship you and the practitioner will have. Take your time in determining if a therapist is right for you. According to most people, it takes a lot of trial-and-error. Listen to your gut instincts; you’ll know fairly quickly whether someone is a good fit or if you need to keep looking. If your relationship does not feel safe or supportive, there are always other therapists out there. Don’t let one bad experience with a therapist deter you from getting the help you need. It helps to ask a therapist upfront if they have experience or training in dealing with the issues you are bringing to them, and how many years of experience they have in that area. Finding the right one might not be easy, but it could be life-changing and so worth it if you do.
The future of LGBTQ-affirmative mental health
It’s great to see more and more Filipino mental health practitioners fostering inclusivity and affirmation in their individual practices. The battle is far from won though, as many stories of LGBTQ+ people being sent to conversion therapy[v] and being shamed by therapists and counsellors[vi] still abound.
Many important stakeholders play a role. The Philippine Association of Psychologists (PAP) is at the forefront of advocacy efforts, being one of the first professional mental health organizations in Southeast Asia to adopt a policy on LGBTQ+ non-discrimination[vii] (read their official policy here). Their stance explicitly calls on Filipino psychologists to “recognize the unique worth and inherent dignity of all human beings; to respect the diversity among persons and peoples . . . [and to] not discriminate against or demean persons based on actual or perceived differences in characteristics including gender identity and sexual orientation”. It is hoped that other national mental health organizations follow suit, as this would send a message to LGBTQ+ Filipinos that their welfare matters in mental health spaces[viii].
Universities and colleges, especially those offering degrees in the mental health fields, can also consider integrating queer-affirmative training into their programs[ix]. Psychology educators may use this free online training on LGBTQ+ affirmative counseling conducted by the the PAP LGBT Psychology Special Interest Group as a resource. Some universities like PUP, UP, DLSU, and Ateneo de Manila already incorporate LGBTQ+ topics into their curriculum or offer stand-alone courses on LGBT psychology[x]. Elementary and high schools can also support their LGBTQ+ students by offering training for their guidance counselors and school psychologists. What’s clear is that educational institutions definitely play a role in cultivating the next generation of Philippine mental health practitioners[xi].
The advancement of LGBT rights and welfare in mental health will depend on these stakeholders, as well as individual psychologists and psychiatrists, therapists and counsellors, and the general public, all committed towards building a gender-inclusive society that is a safe space for all.
Help us expand this list. Do you know of any other LGBTQ-friendly or queer-affirmative mental health practitioners in the Philippines? If you wish to add someone, correct any of the information listed, or share your experiences with any of the resources above, please do not hesitate to reach out to us or let us know in the comments below.
Tags: LGBTQ+, mental health, queer-affirmative therapy, LGBT-friendly therapy, LGBT psychology, Philippines
[ii] Ibid
[iii] [vscocum]. (2022, January 3). I had a psychiatrist, pero I do not fully feel comfortable. [Online forum post]. Reddit. Available online at: https://www.reddit.com/r/MentalHealthPH/comments/rujlg0/hello_im_looking_for_a_psychologistpsychiatrist/ (accessed June 24, 2023).
[Baffosbestfriend]. (2022, January 3).Mahirap talaga kung religious yung psychiatrist. Mas inuuna nila yung religious beliefs nila kesa maging professional. [Online forum post]. Reddit. Available online at: https://www.reddit.com/r/MentalHealthPH/comments/rujlg0/hello_im_looking_for_a_psychologistpsychiatrist/ (accessed June 24, 2023).
[iv] https://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/hdfs/documents/misc/Affirmative_therapy_handout.pdf
[v] Santos NJ,. [OPINION] It’s Not Okay to Pray the Gay Away. Philippines: Rappler (2021). Available online at: https://www.rappler.com/voices/ispeak/opinion-not-okay-pray-gay-away/ (accessed June 24, 2023).
[vi] [vscocum], [Baffosbestfriend] (n iii).
[vii] Manalastas EJ, Torre BA. LGBT psychology in the Philippines. Psychol Sexual Rev. (2016) 7:60–72. doi: 10.53841/bpssex.2016.7.1.60. Available online at: https://pages.upd.edu.ph/sites/default/files/ejmanalastas/files/manalastas_torre_lgbt_psychology_in_the_philippines_posr_71_0.pdf (accessed June 28, 2023).
[viii] Alibudbud R (2023) Gender in mental health: toward an LGBTQ+ inclusive and affirming psychiatry and mental healthcare in the Philippines. Front. Psychiatry 14:1189231. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1189231 . Available online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1189231/full#B2 (accessed June 28, 2023).
[ix] Ibid
[x] Manalastas, Torre (n vii).
[xi] Alibudbud (n viii).
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