Before, I thought this work immersion will be stressful and difficult. The day before the immersion, I found myself overthinking overnight because I’m thinking what if i do or say something wrong in the class. But then Z is a soft, kind, and smart teacher. She did a great job at explaining everything one by one. There’s no topic that I didn’t understand because of Ma’am Z even though we just met once a week, I gained a lot of knowledge not just academically, but for myself also like being creative and self-aware.
On our first meeting, what really made my day is hearing “Your best is always enough” from Ma’am Z. I really appreciate that she said that we don’t need to be smart or perfect. We just need to put effort into our work, be proud of what we do, and that the most important thing is you we did by ourselves.
My favorite part of this experience is our weekly breakout rooms where we got to know each other deeply by sharing about our favorite things like foods or clothes, what makes us happy or loved, and what things make us want to wake up every day. All of my classmates are very accomodating. Every time I try to ask questions or favors, they answer all the time. I hope they are my real classmates as a section. Even though these sessions were just through the internet or zoom the interactions are so good. They’re so unforgettable and I’m so glad that we did it until the last day.
This work immersion helped boost my confidence because I am a really shy person so every time Ma’am Z called me, I try to answer and she always replies encouragingly saying that it is great. In conclusion, I had a lot of fun, I met new friends and a new world where things don’t need to be perfect nor too smart. I’m glad that I’m a part of this wonderful experience.
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